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PARCEL ONE (Towner County, ND):
Township 160 North, Range 67 West
Section 19: NE1/4
PARCEL TWO (Towner County, ND):
Township 160 North, Range 67 West
Section 19: NW1/4
PARCEL THREE (Towner County, ND):
Township 160 North, Range 67 West
Section 19: SE1/4
The properties will be sold as separate parcels, and bids shall be for the total dollar amount for each parcel and not per acre.

Towner County, North Dakota
Bids Due by 10:00am on August 5, 2022
to Gibbens Law Office, PO Box 708, Cando, ND 58324
Note: This bid sale features farmland located in Towner County, North Dakota.
Contact: Gibbens Law Office by calling 701-968-3342 OR e-mailing to request a complete bid packet.

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